If you’re looking for something a little more permanent to enhance your brows, Microblading may be for you. In this semi-permanent procedure, pigment is scratched into the skin in strokes to resemble hair using a hand tool with a blade formed of tiny needles.
SATORI is the premiere provider of microblading and permanent makeup services in the Hood River-White Salmon-The Dalles area.
Permanent makeup is a technique involving tattoos to produce designs that resemble makeup. Permanent makeup is for anyone who may be looking to refine their eyebrow shape or fill. It's also a great option for someone who may be losing their eyebrows due to old age.
Microblading FAQ
What services do you currently offer?
We currently offering Microblading, Lash Enhancements and Lip Blushing.
How long does it last?
Everyone’s different, but you can expect your results to last 12-18 months before you’ll need a refresher. At SATORI, we discuss your shape and color, take measurements, and decide together what brows work best for you to get you your desired results.

How long does the procedure take?
Microblading is split into 2 appointments, 4-8 weeks apart to allow for the healing process to complete. The initial procedure will take about an hour and a half to two hours and your enhancing touch up appointment takes from 30-60 minutes.

Does it hurt?
Microblading is a form of tattooing, but at SATORI we do everything we can to minimize your discomfort during the procedure. During the procedure, we apply topical anesthetics to numb the area. Everyone has a different pain tolerance, but most people only experience mild discomfort. After the procedure a little swelling and redness, similar to a sunburn is normal. We recommend a little Tylenol after the procedure.

Is it safe?
Never fear, you're in good hands at SATORI, Jenn Phipps, is licensed in permanent cosmetics in Washington & California, Oregon and Florida, has completed Blood Born Pathogen training in Washington, Oregon, and California, and has certifications from World Microblading, Jenn Boyd Ink and Will Anthony Cosmetics. Jenn has been trained by Seattle 3D brows Noi and Danielle Shay. She also carries a BBP Certificate and is certified in CPR and First Aid.
How do you choose the shape and color?
We choose shape and style together. At the beginning of your appointment we will discuss what you want your new brows to look like. We will take measurements to make them as symmetrical as possible.
Then, we choose a color that matches your natural brow hair. Remember while choosing your color it will faded up to 50% after your first visit.
Can anyone get microblading?
Most people can get microblading, but there are a few exceptions. We can't provide this service to any clients that are under 18 years old, pregnant or nursing, have Keloid disorder, skin cancer, hemophilia, or anyone taking skin medications like roaccutane, steroids or blood thinners.
Still have questions?
Pre and Post Microblading Care
Before Your
Three Weeks Before - Avoid tanning so we can assess your natural skin tone for the procedure.
Two Weeks Before - Stop using facial scrubs and avoid other facial treatments like chemical peels and Botox.
Three Days Before - Stop using alcohol, Ibuprofen, and other medication that might thin your blood
After Your
To ensure that your brows heal, it is important that you follow these instructions:
For the first 10 days following the procedure:
Stay out of the sun as much as possible.
Lightly apply healing ointment to your brows once per day (after the first 24 hours).

Do Not:
Go swimming, tanning, or use saunas.
Apply makeup to the brow area.
Exercise excessively.
Use exfoliating scrubs or chemical peels.
It is normal for the brow area to itch and for light scabs to form, it is very important that you do not pick or remove these scabs and allow them to heal naturally.
The microblading process creates what is essentially an open wound, failure to follow these instructions can not only damage the pigmentation, but also result in an infection.
If you suspect an infection, call your primary care physician immediately.